Welcome to the Accessibility Centre for Students of Vulnerable Social Groups of the University of Western Macedonia 

The aim of the accessibility centre is to enhance the physical, academic and social access of students coming from vulnerable social groups (e.g., students with disabilities, low socioeconomic backgrounds, refugees, etc) while attending the University of Western Macedonia. Specific objectives of the accessibility centre are to:

  1. provide psychological support and counseling to university students from vulnerable social groups, students in general, the faculty and administrative staff of the university,
  2. inform and support the faculty and administrative staff regarding the potential differentiating and inclusive strategies employed for students with disabilities,
  3. enhance the accessibility of students with sensory disabilities at learning and instruction through sign language interpreters and Braille translators,
  4. improve the accessibility of students with sensory and physical disabilities at the physical spaces of the university,
  5. support the transportation of students with physical disabilities from and towards the University campuses. 
  6. grant housing scholarships to students from vulnerable social groups. 

In general, the mission of the accessibility centre is to act towards the development of an accessible and inclusive environment promoting respect and equity among students of the University of Western Macedonia.

Students interested in the services of the accessibility centre of the University of Western Macedonia have to follow the guidelines in order to complete their registration and receive the appropriate information.   

  1. Communicate with the administration of the accessibility centre at myfeo@uowm.gr,
  2. Ask for the “Counseling form”,
  3. Fill in the form according to the guidelines you will receive and submit it online,
  4. Meet with the counselling service staff at your campus, 
  5. Consider the option of a volunteer peer student to facilitate and support your inclusion in the processes of learning and instruction as well as the social life at the university. For more information, ask the administration of the accessibility centre. 

International visiting faculty members can also get information or support from the accessibility centre such as guidelines for learning and instruction or inclusive strategies for students with disabilities. For more information, contact the administrative staff of the accessibility centre at myfeo@uowm.gr